
PE teacher and preschool friend in gym

Something Special in the Air

Students at Saint Mary School experience an array of Specials area subjects that allow them to flourish beyond their academic subjects. Central to each of these Specials classes is the integration of the Catholic faith.  Whether through sacred music or paintings, cultural customs in World Language, Specials classes at Saint Mary School mindfully engage students in our faith while exposing them to arts, culture, STEM and athletics.

Our Specials Team

Lori Dight

IT Integrator / Grade 6 Tech

Irene Eide

French and MS Religion

(203) 438-7288 x215
Gareth Horrocks

Physical Education & Health

(203) 438-7288 x238
Marybeth Nisco

Art Teacher

(203) 438-7288 x236
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